By Leonardo Slabbert, Springbok Cyclist – November 2, 2017
Enjoyed the cycling memories it brought back, and found the journey and awareness of the effects that our childhood experiences had – fascinating. You teach best what you most needed to learn – I am sure all your experiences and the awareness while healing can be used by many people out there.
The masks people wear, sometimes, so successfully hide the hurt experienced, but behind it they desperately need love and acceptance in their vulnerability. Only your ‘contagious enthusiasm’ showed, when we competed!
By Jack Lester, Springbok Cyclist – November 14, 2017
Every sportsman or one who needs inspiration – a must read – how to overcome adversity and succeed. Let your kids read it as well – inspirational!
By Geoff Waters, South African Cycling Historian – Durban, December 26, 2017
‘The unexamined life is not worth living’.
Socrates (469-399 BC).
This is a very emotionally challenging book to review precisely because it is such an intensely personal journey. In it the author discloses details of matters which have obviously been deeply emotionally painful to him. They are ones which few people would be willing to discuss openly with others let alone to write about: his parents’ acrimonious divorce, his mother’s alcohol abuse, his loneliness when rejected by his mother, the limited contact he had with his father, the tensions and conflicts within his extended family. In writing of these, he is undoubtedly seeking to exorcise the lingering painful memories he has of them.
By Leon Froneman – Middleburg – January 5, 2018
Thoroughly enjoyed reading Eye of the Child. Normally, a fiction only person – this was an easy read – I did not want to put the book down. Memories of growing up in the eras you wrote about, the army days and various other experiences flooded in – cannot remember when the last time was that I reminisced about my childhood days – that, in itself, was special.
It’s worth the read for anyone who was a child once!
By Chris Willemse Snr, Springbok Cyclist – Bellville, Cape – January 16, 2018
Could not put it down. 3 days and I finished it. “Eye of the Child” is a MUST to read by every cyclist and sport’s lover!
By Jack Lester, Springbok Cyclist – January 22, 2018 for Bellville, Velodrome Reunion January 27, 2018
A very interesting read, well written with great humour, interesting anecdotes of bike riders you know or have heard about. I definitely recommend this book for your book collection.
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