21 Nov 2017 – Blog 1 – Crocodile Dundee in Africa – Chris and his pet baboon

Another launch, another intimate evening – this time hosted by Nelspruit Book traders for the ‘Nelspruit Book Club with a Twist’ – and indeed it was.

I could not help but noticing, dare I say, a gentleman looking a tad worse for wear, entering – did he need help; had he been attacked?  Apparently not – just a bruised cheek, scratches to the face, khaki pants tucked into his long boots, and a gun on the hip.

That day, his three-and-a-half-year-old pet baboon, whom he had reared from just a few months old when he was found orphaned, were chewing the cud – “Wouldn’t it be a ‘grand idea’ to go for a giraffe-ride?”

A plan hatched, indeed needs execution – giraffe lassoed, but how to mount?  But of course, jump from the bakkie.  And off the trio went – all was well, and what a wonderful adventure – until, a giraffe does what it does . . .

Scrapped by the bushes and finally knocked off, seemingly unaffected, Chris managed to chirp: “Well, the baboon clung on for dear life, and we fell as one – it wasn’t so bad.”

And to end off the day, what better place than to share with a flabbergasted ‘Eye of the Child’.